Because the assemly gathers in the presence of God to celebrate God's saving deeds, the climate of liturgy is one of awe, mystery, wonder, reverence, thanksgiving and praise. So it cannot be satisfied with anything less than the beautiful in its environment and all its artifacts, movements and appeals to the senses. The beautiful is related to the holy. Where there is evidently no care for this, there is an environment basically unfriendly to the mystery.
Ministers of Environment and Art and Sacristans are called to serve the parish in preparing an environment for worship that will mediate the presence of God. Their goal is to care for all the elements of worship, ensuring that the total environment is clean, appropriate, authentic, beautiful and accessible. Ministers of Art and Environment and Sacristans have a knowledge and understanding of the sacraments, the Catholic rites, the Liturgical Year of Seasons and Feasts and the devotional life of the people.
(Sources: Built of Living Stones, Art, Architecture and Worship, US Conference of Catholic Bishops 2000, General Instruction of the Roman Missal, USCCB, 2003)